When I am in a situation like this, I search for an answer, and I remember all the encouragement I have received in my life. I remember hearing generic phrases like “you can do it”, “you can make it through anything, you just have to be strong”. But where does this strength they talk about come from – this ineffable thing that is supposed to save me from drowning within myself? Can your spirit really be strong enough to overcome any inner battle you find yourself in? I mean, come on, no one can be that tough! I used to maintain the “mind over matter” mentality for a long time, this idea that, by having the right type of outlook, you conceivably are able to overcome anything. I always thought I could tackle whatever life threw at me And I maintained that feeling of invincibility far too long. The truth is, when you have been hurt and wounded, deep down, it’s not so easy to battle back – it’s not even close. It is a bumpy ride on the way back to a proper place of control.
The first question I asked myself was, how did I get here? It can be difficult at times to be self-reflective, but there is incredible value in your situations. How can you know where you are going without understanding where you have been, or where you have come from? I learned this the hard way – as I tend to do (insert long drawn out dramatic sigh here). Failing to reflect on your choices or circumstances can lead you into a nice little hamster wheel, always running but going nowhere. Nothing changes. The view stays the same as do the outcomes. I point this out because, even though it’s hard and painful at times to reflect, if you don’t understand a problem, how are you ever going to fix it?
When searching for the root cause of how you ended up feeling lost and empty, consider how your soul can be damaged in so many ways by so many different circumstances. It may not always be a direct action that will tear you up, but often those parts of life that just happen, and hit you out of nowhere, the type that hits you in the gut and leaves you reeling without any idea what just happened or where to go next. This is where that mind-over matter mentality seems to be the most helpful, not necessarily to fix your problem or alleviate all of your feelings of doubt or despair- but to help get you back off the ground. I think it’s pretty clear that it is easier to take a step forward if you are on your feet.
Ok, so we’re back on our feet, and ready to take the next step. Ummm, what now? What is it that keeps me from falling back down? Here is where the true power of your minds disposition will be needed. *Disclaimer- Not all spirits are created equal* You read the disclaimer, but what does it mean? It means that it takes effort and the right input to strengthen your spirit. This is why some people are able to roll with the punches and rise above in situations where others would drown. When I say the right input, I’m referring to those around you that help to strengthen your spirit by providing it with what it needs: encouragement, stability, compassion. They provide that strong foundation to help you regain your balance, or even stop you from falling in the first place.
How do they do this? What does it look like to help strengthen someone’s soul? This is where we can make some of the biggest impacts on another’s life, when we help build others up! ! It can be done by being there and being supportive, emotionally if someone needs a shoulder, or physically if someone just doesn’t want to be alone. For some, it may not be this simple. It may require more direct intervention- which is ok! At times, others may have barriers holding them back that they may not even see, I know this from personal experience. There have been one too many times where I was completely oblivious to things I was doing that were harming myself along with those close to me. It can be extremely hard sometimes, to see an issue that may be obvious to others… but alas, having someone there to point it out to you can be such a life saver.
With others around to support you, your spirit becomes stronger because it is not alone! With the help of those close to you, you can condition yourself to be brave. It’s easier to be brave with a support system in place, and with the right foundation it becomes easier for you to be courageous in the battles you face. If you haven’t realized by now, one of The MindReset’s main focuses is to help build up and strengthen our communities through genuine compassion and the desire to see everyone live their best life. We want to strengthen the spirit of all those who may need a little help, and so help you achieve your full potential!
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