For most people, this is the time of the year most anticipated. Why wouldn’t it be? With frosty windshields, come comfy clothes and toasty drinks! There’s a faint aroma of baked goods in the air and the people around you seem to have a certain cheer in their spirits. If you’re lucky, there might even be snow…magical, is it not? Whether everyone is coming together to put up the tree, light candles, or just simply be surrounded with more loved ones because everyone you know is in town; the holidays bring everyone in your life closer.
Perhaps a bit too close, with demands that run deeper than meets the eye…
Sure, picking and wrapping presents may be fun, and the holiday party invitations, aka irresistible holiday food, seem to have no end in sight. Of course, you get to see your one cousin who only flies in for the week of Christmas, the college friends you hang out with just about once a year, or your parents who live hours away. All your time seems to be filled with dinners catching up, evenings baking (or at least attempting to), or weekend brunches. What seems to be forgotten, while all of this is happening, is that you still have to go to work or school. Your everyday life? Yes, that is still in play. You still have your end of the year assignments that are due and deadlines that need to be met.
If you aren’t one who lives alone, there’s the possibility that your living situation isn’t the greatest. Annoying roommates, siblings, you name it, anytime there are living spaces to be shared, stress at some level is almost inevitable. Let’s not even get into what all of that turns into if you have to share a bathroom!
Now, let’s take all the days that were already stressful, the ones that are a bit too busy, hectic, crowded, and overwhelming, and let’s add in all the dinners, the shopping, the wrapping, the baking, all of it. of it all, you might have been selected to host one of these holiday events. Whatever breathing room you might have had, is now gone.
Sound like a bit much?
It would be quite understandable. It would seem so to ANYONE.
I believe it’s important to be realistic about the amount of time you take to devote towards family and friends during the holiday season. If you don’t want guests on your couch for days at a stretch, just say so. Odds are, they will be okay. I’m almost certain no one would insist on the favor if they knew you wanted some personal space in your own home.
If money is a concern, take action to relieve your stress. Bills can add up from all the presents, the dinners out, and all the other expenses that the holidays can bring. The holidays can press on anyone’s paycheck! My suggestion would be to try and budget, keep track of what you spend. Perhaps come January, both your wallet and your mind will thank you.
Finally, value your work schedule. It’s best not to pretend that it doesn’t exist. Adding more onto an existing heavy workload is something we have all fallen victim to and just a little bit of planning can help prevent a lot of stress.
In times like this, is when we need to care for ourselves the most. It’s healthy to have some time carved out for just you, especially when there are so many other activities and people craving to occupy it. Not only are there studies proving that taking time to oneself brings more happiness, but studies also show that “alone time” can increase a person’s odds of countering depression. After all, our minds, just like our bodies, need time to rest and reset.
We all seem to forget at times, it’s our holiday too, let’s try not to get too caught up in perfecting all that’s around us, but try and focus on all that’s within us as well.
Editor(s): Jing Wu, Miranda Palmer

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