What this represents to me, and likely many others is the transition into some semblance of what life was like before COVID19 and quarantining. There of course are still guidelines out there to be observed, social distancing, lowered capacity, the general fear of being touched or God forbid, sneezed on by another person, but still being able to go to the gym and other businesses deemed non-essential is uplifting for many.
I do not know about those of you reading this, but I am a bit concerned. As I mentioned I am in Wisconsin, and those of you who watch The Daily Show with Trevor Noah saw him rip into Wisconsinites whose first inclination was to go to the local watering hole and get a drink with many many of their thirsty friends. This is the type of attitude that scares me. I have seen some people, and to be honest, these are likely those who didn’t take this quarantine seriously, to begin with, who are going nuts with this newfound freedom (lifted restrictions). They are acting like a newly minted 21 year old on a week-long binger.
It will be interesting to watch how socializing will unfold as restrictions are lifted. Personally, I have noticed I avoid people and will continue to do so for the most part. I wonder how lasting some of these social patterns will be? I think this is really going to depend on how responsible individuals are and how thoughtful they are of others. As I mentioned I am concerned people will ignore the guidelines, which are put forth in order to keep EVERYONE safe, in order to selfishly go back to living life however they want.
It certainly important for businesses to be able to be open and have income, but I do think the government can be more helpful in regards to providing businesses funds and such or better ways to make sure people have access to essential services.
What are your concerns about lifting restrictions? Have you encountered situations that made you feel like is a good/bad idea to lift restrictions? Comment below and let’s see how this is impacting different areas of the country.
By: Cole Schenck
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