We all sometimes feel like our lives are not as they should be. We are dissatisfied with a job, personal relationships, financial status or holiday gift… among many other things. Tough we work hard and succeed in many avenues of life, we still feel that the level that we reached was not the one we deserved.
Or even worse though is when we do get that promotion, romantic partner or raise that we worked and hoped for, but the emotional response we expected is dull or we feel worse off than before.
In the video by the Kurzgesagt team, they explain how the general practice of being grateful has a positive scientific effect on the human brain. Taking inventory of and expressing the things you are grateful for is actually a healthy activity for the human mind.
I am going to quickly exercise my gratitude muscles here, and suggest all those reading do the same…
I am grateful for my family, they were the people that provided me my first glimpses into the social world and how to navigate it.
I am grateful for my friends, they are the people that I currently navigate this world with. They are the souls of inspiration and knowledge that help me better myself.
I am grateful for this country, though it is filled with so much uncertainty and it often times upsets me, it is still the place I call home. A place where I am free to express my thoughts and feelings freely. A place I have the opportunity to grow and make better.
Lastly I am grateful for myself… I am grateful that I have the ability and frame of mind to check my assertions about life and either be right, or be wrong and understand why. Grateful for the ability to self correct and be humble when I was wrong.
I hope everyone pops over to the Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell YouTube channel and watches the video titled An Antidote to Dissatisfaction. (If it did not load above) Or any of the other wonderful and knowledge packed filled videos they have!
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and I will see you all in the new year!
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