I am not always the most creative person. I would characterize myself as a bit odd, goofy, or even weird, but not creative. Sometimes though, like in my case, being creative becomes something you do for the benefit of others. You put yourselves out there because you know being weird may actually be helpful. This is where my creativity ties back to an idea. More specifically, I view this idea as a starting point for creation. I do this when I draw; I start with a single line and then go from there with no idea or plan as to what I am creating until the lines begin to appear as something. I just go with it until I finish. A single line could start to look like a face or an animal with a few more lines, and so that is what it becomes.
I also do this with storytelling, and this is where I learned being goofy or weird can be of benefit to others. A significant other of mine used to have a tough time sleeping. She would always be so wired and active late at night (which did not bode well for my own sleep by the way). Her mind would always be going. What we discovered was that if I talked or told stories it would help her fall asleep (and in turn, I could finally go to bed!). I don’t know about you but for me, it is not always easy to come up with a story out of the blue and actually have it be interesting enough to complete its intended purpose. This is where, similar to when I draw, a single line or a single idea is where I begin . I would think of an object or an animal to start the story and then begin creating outward. When I first began telling these stories, the idea I started with was a mouse. I named this mouse after my significant other, and proceeded to create a whole world of places and adventures. It all started with one idea, one thought. Like I said, I never thought of myself as creative, yet all of a sudden I had created a world and a storyline out of an idea. Out of a mouse. This was how I discovered creativity is boundless and even if you identify as unimaginative (like myself), as long as you have a process or a starting point, creativity can be developed.
Editor: Jasmin Hyder

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