In retrospect I don’t think of myself as a good writer, which is probably why I’ve been so scared to compose this blog post. On the other hand, a lot of what I want to write about in this post has to do with life challenges we all may face and breaking out of your shell. I wanted to express this reflection to others who may be struggling with life decisions or feeling like your life has become uninteresting for the lack of a better word.
This reflection begins for me back in the month of May. Everything was going great, I was on my annual two-week European tour, but what happened when I returned to Madison, WI was a rude awakening. I was revved up to get back into work early on Monday morning see my co-workers and begin new projects.
My phone started to ring as I was five minutes from my work parking ramp, it was my boss. I knew he wanted to touch base before I went into the office, I assumed it was to update me on what was happening as he was on a vacation that week. Turns out, our new CEO decided my position was no longer going to be needed, and he told me I was laid-off.
I was devastated but didn’t let it show on the phone. As I finished my call with my now ex manager I was in a complete daze. I turned my car around and had to go park in an empty parking lot to let some tears roll down my face while gaining composure enough to drive back home. Thoughts were racing through my brain…What did I do wrong? Why wasn’t my other coworker, who scrolled Facebook all day not let go instead? What was going to happen now? I didn’t have any good answers to these pressing questions at that moment, but I knew in the back of my mind that I would get through this hurdle in my life somehow, someway.
At this point in my life I was a bit lost. I knew I needed to find another job, but where? What did I want to do? This job had been the first true job where I really felt happy about the work I did and the coworkers that surrounded me. I ended up getting a contract job in the Madison area to fulfill paying my monthly bills and rent. I really wasn’t happy with my new job, but it was something and kept me in a routine. I had been toying around with the idea of moving out of state at some point before I was laid-off, and this may have been the perfect opportunity (silver lining).
I ended up connecting with my good friend Jing. Just so happened she was in town the same day I was laid off, so seeing her in-person was a nice way to have a friend care about your life and what was happening to you. We talked about the idea of me potentially moving to the DC area where she has been living for over two years now and being roommates.
I was very intrigued by the idea at this point, because I really enjoyed the DC area, and wanted a change of scenery in my life. With her departure back to her life and me continuing in Madison we talked more and more about this opportunity for both of us. Later in the summer I decided this was what I wanted to go for as my next life chapter. I spent a lot of time filling out job applications and doing interviews via Skype. I finally found a job that was a good fit, and left WI in late August and drove East to my new life with the help of my two brothers Zach and Isaac.
Along the way somewhere in Ohio at a rest stop another hiccup in my journey was about to hit. We stopped to stretch, and I set my cell phone and wallet on top of my car to catch an incoming football throw. Not even realizing, we drove off and my phone disappeared into the abyss that is Ohio. We drove back to the stop, to try to find my belongings the whole time my two brothers never showed any anger towards the situation. With no luck, and it getting dark, we cut our losses and drove to a nearby hotel to rest. The next day was a new day, we made it to DC finally and my excitement was at an all-time high. With another little hurdle on the track, my brothers along with a local friend and I were able to get all my furniture into a U-Haul storage unit. Time to relax, finally!
Fast-forward to present day, I’m still here in DC, having the time of my life. I’ve been blessed beyond belief with caring and supportive family/friends to make this journey possible. Along the voyage there were barriers to pass, like I was being tested on life. These common life themes seem to crop up often, but as I have learned through all of this is to take them as they come. Evaluate your situation and where you are in your journey, make sure you stay grounded in your decisions and reach out to others if you are struggling (they care about you).
Change can be hard and scary, but it is such a rewarding experience. I know I was feeling very stagnant back in WI and had to make a change, as hard as it may have been. I wanted this reflection to be a way to let people know that if you’re feeling dull or stale in your life right now, it’s not just you – we all can feel lonely or dreary sometimes, but it’s your life and only you can make things happen if you want them to. Be Strong, Be Courageous, Be Optimistic. Life is hard – but it can also incredible if we take that leap into the unknown.
Author: Jon Dahl
Editor(s): Daniel Watson
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