When I think about a soul connection, the first thing I actually think about is how someone impacts me on a deeper level. Now what I mean by this is someone who by their mere inclusion in my existence has somehow contributed to who I am as a person in a positive way. Even more specific, they have made me into a better person. Now this connection can be active or passive, these individuals can actively be adding some sort of benefit to my life, or they can also passively contribute simply by being a good role model or source of inspiration.
Once again, most people will assume a “soulmate” is what a deep soul connection means, which can be true, but there are so many other people in our lives that our souls connect to.
I personally want to take this opportunity to thank some people in my life that I have made soul connections to and have improved my state of being over the last few years.
Jeff – You have been one of my longest friendships and have endured plenty of ups and downs and harsh growing pains in the past. One thing you are able to do though is keep my eyes pointed up and forward to the future and have always helped me understand that if you work hard enough you can make it anywhere.
Daniel – You entered my life more recently, but with your support and friendship, I know things will always be trending upward even when it feels like the bottom is about to or has fallen out. You remind me that in order to take care of others, I need to take the time to take care of myself. Will always be grateful.
Jing – Last but certainly not least, you have been of hope and encouragement since the day I met you. You have shown me how much one person can accomplish and not to ever limit myself or put barriers up. Breaking down the walls that surround us, you have impacted who I am as a person, maybe more than anyone else and my appreciation and admiration for you is boundless.
Now, this is just a few people who I have deep soul connections with and I always hope to grow this number because the more connections you have, the stronger your web of support becomes. One thing I would love to have readers do is take a minute and send a text or call to someone who they feel has been integral in their personal growth. These people care so much about us and its important we remind them how grateful we are!
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