Ok, so when I first heard this honestly, it was on ESPN and the commentator was talking about football teams and how feeling pressure late in the season was a privilege as it meant the team was doing well enough to be in contention for a playoff spot and therefore there was pressure on the team to do well and win in order to succeed in the goal to make the playoffs.
Initially, I thought to myself “why would it be a privilege to be under pressure?? That is such an uncomfortable feeling…”
It made me think about how there are really two types of people, the types who work to be comfortable and avoid pressure situations, and then the types who work to be in those pressure-filled situations where the stakes are high but the possible outcomes could be incredible.
Surface level, it could be easy to choose what type of life you want and what type of life is fulfilling to you. Don’t get me wrong, either choice can lead to a happy and fulfilling life, it really is a personal choice.
I wanted to write a little about this as it struck me on a deeper level and helped provide some perspective I think I had been missing before.
It IS a privilege to feel pressure in some instances. The path to success is riddled with pressure. If it wasn’t, would it really be a success? Pressure is part of working hard to achieve something. It can help keep you grounded and focused if you are able to avoid succumbing to the pressure and giving up.
Hearing this while watching my favorite network and show (ESPN; Sportscenter) was fortuitous, and helped me re-evaluate where I am in life and what I want to continue to work to attain. It helped me look at how I handle pressure and made me change my thought process about avoiding undue pressure and instead seek it out as pressure represents an opportunity to me now. Opportunity to improve, an opportunity to improve others, improve systems, improve situations. I am very happy to have heard this and it was a perfect time as I am thinking of new year’s resolutions.
Here’s one: I will seek out that which makes me uncomfortable and take control of those situations, repositioning them into areas of strength.
I hope our readers would also maybe take some time to think about areas in their lives they feel pressure and figure out how they feel about that pressure. Is it something they seek out? Avoid? It is ok to not seek out pressure, but I also encourage everyone to set goals that will take time and effort to reach. This can be how you bridle that pressure and use it as motivation!
Happy Holidays everyone!
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