Others may think about their livelihood and how decisions they make may be safe or unsafe For other dynamics of their life, socially, financially, spiritually, etc.
When I look at my own life, itās almost as if I am just going up and down when it comes to my decision making and what is safe and unsafe. When I was young and by young, I mean prior to being a teenager, I was a relatively safe boy. I would be relatively cautious when It came to decision making I typically stayed away from reckless behavior. Even though children they tend to be braver and or reckless Than when they are adults because ignorance is bliss and they do not know any better, I was not the type to do anything too dangerous. Needless to say, I was (still am) a mommas boy. Mostly because she is the bomb and always is trying to be helpful, but also because when I did need stitches or I did fall off my bike or needed anything she was there.
Anyways, As all boys grow into young men there becomes a Time when we distance ourselves from our parents and start making our own choices. This is when my ups and downs started to go a bit down. When I was a teenager I was pretty reckless. I was always getting into trouble whether it was in school or with the law for underage drinking. I surprisingly still did well in school but I was determined to live on the edge a bit And burned a lot of bridges in my later teen and early 20ās. This was a period in my life where my choices became so unsafe, I had to pay some adult consequences. I would love to get into details of my trying teen years, but still to this day I am still not the most comfortable sharing or talking about it. Maybe another time.
After I had hit my lowest low, my mindset changed completely. I began only making safe responsible choices to the point where I admit I became kind of boring. This was an instance of me taking many steps to isolate myself from potential trouble. I disregarded all of my friends at the time who were still making poor choices. To this day I still donāt talk to 95% of them and thatās OK. This then brings us back to see if an on see if it comes to livelihood. Because I had been so unsafe when I was younger I became very protective and guarded of what I would participate in and who I would hang out with and really what this did to me was cause me to never want to take risks. Always play it safe. The problem with this is that a notice my life began to plateau a bit. It was moving too slow. I identified it was because I was making safe choices instead of taking any risks that could be of great benefit to me. Now that I can recognize that, I am beginning to loosen up a bit and start looking to take more risks in my life whether that be searching for my dream job and going after it or going back to school and getting a degree I never thought in 1 million years I would pursue. I am working on finding a happy medium between risks to take and when to make the safe play. But what I have learned over my years is that it is extremely important to try to balance the risks you take and when you make the safe play. I would encourage all of you to be smart and thoughtful about the risks that youāre going to take but donāt be afraid to take them as you may never achieve what you want unless you do.
Author: Cole Schenck
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