Welcome to the Mindful March Challenge!
The purpose of this challenge is to improve our awareness of how much we are engaging in kindness to ourselves and to others. It is all about turning the idea of being mindful into an actionable practice!
~ This event is in honor of those who are facing challenges with their mental health, chronic illness, or disability. ~
Undoubtedly, sometime in our lives we have been or will be challenged to a point where our mental health might become compromised. For some, events will occur that may make it really difficult at times to feel hope or see the silver-lining that always exists in our lives. The aim of this challenge is to encourage ourselves to be mindful of our own thoughts and feelings and then to extend this positivity to those around us.
Together we must cultivate a shared culture of support and understanding instead of isolated emotional harm. For those who are going through mental healing, realize that even though it puts you in a place of vulnerability, it is really important to ask for help. Please realize, that maybe as much as it seems, as much as you might be afraid of being judged, you are NOT ALONE. As a community, we must understand, support, and inspire ourselves and our affected peers to keep healing in a positive and healthy way.
So how can we do this?
Download, participate, and share the Mindful March 2018 Calendar!
– Click “Mindful March 2018” above to open calendar PDF –
The challenge consists of a short list of six or fewer simple activities that can be performed daily, slightly more difficult activities weekly, and just a little more difficult monthly.
Each of these activities is a small act of kindness that you can challenge yourself to do for yourself or for someone else.
Each week has a theme: Support, Inclusivity, Compassion, and Kindness. Activities in each themed-week will be more heavily focused on what you can do to demonstrate each theme.
There are daily challenges. The first time you do that act on the day it is assigned, you can give yourself 5 points. Every time you do that same task within that same week, you can give yourself 1 point.
There are weekly challenges. If you complete the weekly challenge by the end of the week, you can give yourself 50 points. If you do it again another week, give yourself 10 points for every other week you do it.
There are monthly challenges. worth 500 points, if you continue this challenge for more months, then continue on with 100 points per month!
We also encourage you to set personal daily, weekly, and monthly goals, worth 10, 100, and 500 points respectively. If you journal and reflect on your experiences doing this challenge, give yourself 200 points!
Finally, we want to grow this community of compassion. Help us do this through social media! If you post to this event, sharing your positive deeds or someone else’s positive deeds. Give yourself another 25 points for each post. Check out the point breakdown below:
Each week has a theme: Support, Inclusivity, Compassion, and Kindness. Activities in each themed-week will be more heavily focused on what you can do to demonstrate each theme.
There are daily challenges. The first time you do that act on the day it is assigned, you can give yourself 5 points. Every time you do that same task within that same week, you can give yourself 1 point.
There are weekly challenges. If you complete the weekly challenge by the end of the week, you can give yourself 50 points. If you do it again another week, give yourself 10 points for every other week you do it.
There are monthly challenges. worth 500 points, if you continue this challenge for more months, then continue on with 100 points per month!
We also encourage you to set personal daily, weekly, and monthly goals, worth 10, 100, and 500 points respectively. If you journal and reflect on your experiences doing this challenge, give yourself 200 points!
Finally, we want to grow this community of compassion. Help us do this through social media! If you post to this event, sharing your positive deeds or someone else’s positive deeds. Give yourself another 25 points for each post. Check out the point breakdown below:

*TMR = “Total Mind Reset” or “Take a Mind Reset”
Instead of saying “mind-blown”, say “TMR, total mind reset” when something has totally altered your way of thinking, or when someone is so flustered in their own thoughts and need to take a moment to step back or remove themselves from those thoughts, say “TMR, take a mind reset”.
The point system is self-monitored. Be honest with yourself about how often you are doing these acts.
You can challenge yourself, your family, your colleagues, your classmates, your friends, your organization, whomever. Set your own prize, but in the end, we all win just by attempting to be mindful!
Please ask everyone in your life to join in on Mindful March. This month we can challenge ourselves to elevate our health and improve our community through positivity! 🙂
If you want to participate in this challenge by yourself or as a team, fill out this form HERE. We will follow up with you to see how things are going!
Thank you for at least considering a way to make this world a better, kinder place!
-The MindReset Team
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the MindReset community.
The MindReset is a community of individuals who seek to inspire a social movement geared toward creating a more Supportive, Inclusive, Compassionate, and Kind society where anyone and everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theMindReset/
- Instagram: @The_MindReset
- Twitter: themindreset
- #TheMindReset #TMR #SICK
- e-mail: themindreset@gmail.com