It has been an interesting time. Work parameters have changed for many. Myself, I have enjoyed working from home. I have discovered there are many benefits to some of my personal goals, specifically getting back into shape.
When I worked in an office, I started at 7 AM and after popping up to my desk to drop off my stuff and get my computer logged in, I would elevator back down to the first floor to head to the café, talk to Kim (the cashier in the café), and grab some eggs and bacon. I would tell myself at least I am eating breakfast. The Café was very convenient if I wanted a snack, or even worse another energy drink…. all I had to do was pop downstairs and grab something.
This was convenient but not the most kind for my wallet. This was just one of the less than healthy habits that can be fostered working in an office building.
I sat. All-day. I still do but it’s different as I am not confined to a cubicle or meeting room to work. I can sit on the floor, in the kitchen, in the backyard. If I’m feeling really lazy even in an armchair.
In addition to my increased variety in where I do my work, I also have the ability to cook for myself every day. This means fresh food, less sugar, and oh by the way, it is a lot less expensive to cook for yourself versus eating out at work every day.
There are of course things I miss about being in the office. The free coffee, the interaction with colleagues and friends. But for some, myself included, working at home is a very productive environment.
I understand that not everyone is as fortunate as I during this pandemic. I am fortunate to still have a job and have the ability to work from home. There are many that do not and I encourage people to follow the safety protocols put in place because the sooner we all do, the sooner life can return to a semblance.
That being said, those of you who are working at home, take advantage of the extra time for you. Work on goals. Whether it’s small like sleeping or eating betting or getting a degree on the side. This is an opportunity for personal growth that maybe you have never had before. Take advantage of it.
By: Cole Schenck
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