I imagine many people who scroll through their Facebook or twitter feeds can’t go more than a few finger swipes without seeing some sort of political add or strong politically-driven rhetoric. That is fine, not a big deal, Facebook is an open forum for the most part.
What I do take issue with is the way I’ve noticed people are responding to those who align under a different color, animal, news source – I think you understand what I am saying. There are some large fundamental differences with how to get there, but for the most part, I think people just want what is best for themselves and their loved ones.
We have to remember people are products of their environments to an extent, and their beliefs and values were reinforced throughout their lives. This is not an excuse for spouting ignorance or hatred to be acceptable, but it is something to be considered.
Considering this helps understand why someone may have a certain viewpoint, and hopefully, is a reminder it is not our responsibility to “educate” people who have different ideas or beliefs than ourselves. All I see that doing is creating a deeper divide in the people.
I encourage people to try to be more diplomatic when conversing with someone of a different background instead of judging and categorizing them immediately based on your beliefs.
Just something to consider. We have a long way to go so let’s try to be more helpful than harmful…
By: Cole Schenck
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