Importance of Altruism

I believe that in order to be a compassionate and dependable supporter of those with TBI, it is necessary to have the essence of altruism within your soul. For those who may not be familiar, altruism is characterized by a selfless nature, putting others needs before your own. From my perspective as a supporter, I view it as being there and looking out for anotherā€™s welfare selflessly.
There will be times when you will need to reach down and give more than you may be comfortable, but the impact your compassion and kindness will have will be integral in the healing process, so even when itā€™s hard, donā€™t give up!
The road to recovery is a very long process and is never truly over. The ones we support will continue to need us to be there for them in many different aspects. Sometimes the needs are more taxing than others, but showing up for them when they need a little extra help is what being a caregiver is all about.
Having altruistic characteristics is something I pride myself in. I often will give to others without regarding how it will impact me. There are times when I stay up much later than I want, get little to no sleep because I know it makes someone elseā€™s life a little better. Sometimes being selfless isnā€™t actively doing things for others, it is also being thoughtful about what they may need at any given time. When I want to go to the gym and Jing wants to go with me but needs an hour to rest beforehand, itā€™s something I am always willing to do even if it messes up my schedule a little bit.
As a caregiver or supporter, a little can go a long way and the little things that you do have value and do matter. You may not always be affirmed by those you are caring for, but the role you take on is essential to help enable them to reach positive outcomes.


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The MindReset is a community of individuals who seek to inspire a social movement geared toward creating a moreĀ Supportive,Ā Inclusive,Ā Compassionate, andĀ Kind society where anyone and everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

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