Yet in the worst of times such as this, one sees the best of people. Love, compassion, kindness, and selflessness is being demonstrated everywhere. We as a human race are experiencing the effects of this virus universally. No one specific group of people or country has been spared. All of us are in this together. We should do what we can for the next person, no matter how big or small.
I have been truly blessed to be able to have the support and resources to get through this. My family has been my rock. I fear nothing. Within me is infinite strength and love. That is where the true riches lie.
I have made a decision to help out as much as I can with the resources I have. I donated some packs of granola bars to our local hospital for the health care professionals that are at the frontline of care. I am going to continue dropping off apples every week there. Lastly, I made a pledge to drop off canned goods weekly to the local Howell food pantry for as long as this lockdown continues.
I encourage people all over the country to help support your local food pantries and health care, workers. A lot of non-perishable goods like canned vegetables and fruits are only 50 cents in stores and most pantries need that. Hospital workers prefer granola bars and other types of packaged snacks. Why not get some healthy options like fruit? You can buy some fruits in bulk at local farmers’ markets. These are just affordable options.
So as to reiterate again, we are all in this together and there are many affordable ways we can help out throughout this pandemic.
By Laavanya Pasupuleti
Editor: Katy Macek
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