There’s always a sort of calm that comes to mind when a new year is just around the corner. It’s around this time of the year that most people choose to reflect on the lives that they’ve led the past year. As soon as December rolls around, a little voice in our heads tell us all about the possibilities the new year will bring. “Just you watch”, we say to ourselves. All that was bad is somehow coming to an end, or so it feels. The new year brings hope. The hope to do better, be better. Not make the same mistakes that were made. Roads that led to despair are now to be avoided at all costs.
But what does this reflection really look like? Every year passing by seems to have been more hectic than the last. There’s always a multitude of things that we can think of that contributed to the despair. The constant struggle to keep the balance of life sums it up pretty well. Work seems to somehow be as chaotic as ever. Meeting expectations is never easy. Looking back on the year definitely brings glimpses of the pressure to achieve things we “needed” to accomplish. Then there’s our love lives. Which I don’t know about you, but when it comes to me personally, I’m more clueless than a zebra trying to play a piano. Whether you’re single or taken, there are tolls to be paid. Thinking back on the year, the feeling of being overwhelmed is a feeling far too familiar.
But why is it just the bad that we seem to mostly reminisce about. We all seem to forget that there would be no good if not for the bad. Even when the struggle seems never-ending, we need to remember that if it weren’t for the sour, the sweet would have no value. Just a standstill of emotions. And where’s the fun in that? Sometimes we’re too quick to move on. Chalk up the year as yet another disaster and hope to better the next. So, I propose you try and remember a little different. Remember not only the hardships of this past year but the triumphs just as much. In addition to that, you should try not to be too focused on righting what was wrong , and focus on what made you happy this past year and do more of that. Why focus on only the downs when you can focus on emphasizing the ups.
So let’s take a moment to pause and look back on the mountains climbed and the peaks reached. All the mud that was swam through and the sense of achievement at the end of it. All the dark nights suffered and the bright sunrises at the end of them. All the things impossible, made possible. Congratulations, another year survived!
Author: S Tabarias
Editor: Jessica Collins

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