Gratitude and the People that Deserve Yours

Line Of People

If you know me and you are an important part of my life, chances are you have heard me say a phrase (or a Watson-ism as I call them) to you that might take a little brainpower to pick apart. Goes like this:

“I stand in a long line of high caliber people, that should count themselves lucky to have ever met you!”

Let’s break that into two parts:

I (Daniel) Stand in a long line of high caliber people,

Admittedly, a bit presumptuous that I would count myself as a “high caliber” person, or a person with great character and personal capacity, but I turn that around in the next part.

that should count themselves lucky to have ever met you!

The amazing people (and I) from the first part are fortunate. We look at our lives and appreciate you! You are a person with such good character and personal capacity that all these other awesome people feel grateful for you to make an appearance in their lives (my life).

It is important to take a moment here and there to reflect on the people in life that impact you in such positive ways. Whether they are parents, teachers, friends, peers, or co-workers and so on. Just anyone that struck you and turned your day, week, month, year, or LIFE around. It is important because other people are all we have in this world to bounce other experiences off of. Yes, there are the hermits of the world that could go on just well enough alone (I used to count myself among them), but what’s the point in life without being apart of some social struggle? Working with people and interacting with them for some goal is the bread and butter of daily life.

I have seen and read memes and posts about how loneliness is ironically a feeling we all share together. Even in a world where you cannot escape connection through thousands of technological platforms, apps, and forums. We all still experience existence in a singular way, a lonely way. There are brief moments where you connect with another individual, where you are both so on the same page that this static feeling of driving your life, seems more like a ride to an undiscovered place. In my experience, moments like these require a special kind of person. These are the people I like to refer to as “high caliber” people. These are the people who can form and express thoughts to you that open your mind to a new pattern of thought. Filling your life with people who can communicate with you on this level is a crucial step in combating loneliness.

I personally feel unbelievably lucky and grateful to have met so many people who were able to shift, change, elevate and solidify the way that I think and feel, that episodes of true loneliness are few and far between. For someone like me, someone that often thinks entirely too much about how I perceive the world, the world becomes a flat colorless place. So then, when I least expect it, while getting a cup of coffee with a colleague, going for a walk with a new or old friend, or just bumping into someone new, and this spark of shared experience rises up, and the world around me becomes three dimensional again.

Maybe I think too much into it, as I do with most things, but I can’t help but feel grateful for these people and moments. I get so tangled up in my own thoughts that when I get these reprieves from myself where I feel refreshed and renewed! When I do get caught up in my own mind traps, I make it a point to think about the people that have helped me out. The people that were able to passively save me from a downward spiral. From their perspective, all they were to me was present, but from my perception, they literally pulled me out of a runaway train, one that I was the conductor of.

Cultivating and keeping these true connections close are so important to maintaining quality mental health, and a positive outlook. Spending time with people that can challenge you intellectually or understand you on a deeper level can mean all the difference to a person like me.

I’d like to close this stream of consciousness with a thank you to everyone who made it this far. You must be my kind of high caliber person to have an appreciation for what I have to say. I also hope this helps you take your own few moments to think about your own high caliber people. You have to identify these people in your life and NEVER take them for granted. Show them they matter to you, and you will continue to matter to them.

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One thought on “Gratitude and the People that Deserve Yours

  1. I love this! Thank-you for writing this…I too have been influenced, helped, and loved by high caliber people! You have reminded me to think about this more deeply, ❤️

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