Life lets us down on a very regular basis, and I don’t know about you, but I am no fan.I can promise you however, the mountains you have claimed are far higher than you ever thought you would’ve climbed. Look back, and all you’ll see are unattainable peaks, conquered. Every moment you’re focusing on what went wrong, or how you could’ve done it differently, or just erase it all, all together, you’re missing out on moments of possible joy.
Take a minute, remind yourself of where you are today. If your 10-year-old self would go “whoa, cooooool”, which s/he mostly likely would, (because let’s be honest, being able to go to the movies without parental supervision is pretty freaking awesome), you’re doing way better than you think. But remember, to get to those peaks, you have to actually climb the mountain. There will be days when all you can think of is how you keep falling, and how the peak isn’t even in sight. On those days, remember this: be kind to yourself. We are our own worst critics. No one, NO ONE, judges us as hard as we do ourselves, so I just want to remind you to be kind to yourself.
Yes, whatever it is that makes you feel like your world is ending, well, feels like the world is ending, but oh, when that dust settles, and the horizon is as clear as crystal, it is all worth it. Each and every one of you should know what I’m talking about. It doesn’t have to be a life altering moment, but the freedom breathed when you’re set free from the torments of the past and the terrors of the future, the moment when you just, are. Just living. It’s all worth it.
So, every time you find yourself swallowed in a goodbye, remember you must endure an end, to get to an electric start. And this too, for better or for worse, shall pass.
Written by S Tabarias
Edited by Jasmine Hyder

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