Females Against Themselves

Women are often misunderstood and sometimes even depicted as mystical. Women are often called the dominant gender in feminist circles. Women are beautiful creatures no doubt. Women can be so vicious.


Why do we behave like defensive animals towards one another? How can we resolve?


Women have historically participated in schematic wars, rather than the physical ones of their counterparts. Women vet against one another: mothers against potential daughters-in-law, mothers against mothers, sisters against one another. The fables are timeless.


The female gender has the same basic instinct to fight and defend as men, but these wars have a different art-form that feeds on human emotion.


There are many lectures and stories of wars of men for “dominance” with their innate rituals to fight for what they desire. Women also have innate rituals, they are just far more discrete. Women play mind games instead of physical displays. Those who play the best know all of the rules and are the most discrete of all. These are the alpha-females we love to watch on YouTube and television; those behaving like brute animals towards one another.


The females close to us may not be as flashy, as deliberate, or as loud, but certainly conscious and unconscious means of putting other females down are still present. What we do not talk about are the emotional scars left from these interactions. Scars have repercussions and perpetuate this behavior.


As a woman myself, when I go to meet new people, I often feel far less threatened by men than by women. How sad… how sad to imagine why–when there is so much media and marketing about “sisterhood” and “girl-power”–I and many others feel so threatened by one another. My guardedness comes being stabbed in the back, undermined, bullied, and manipulated far more times than supported by other females. After centuries, feminist movements, and recent awakenings, women still almost have an unspoken language or law-of-conduct in this behavior.


There are quakes of cultures pushing for change to empower women on weight issues and beauty all over social media; but we need more empowerment in the workplace, in schools, at home, for single women, for single moms, working moms, women in love, career-women, women of domestic abuse, women still believing fairytales, body-builder women, in daily interactions if we want to put this crude female conduct behind us. Female culture needs a shift. We should feel validated, not be made to feel inadequate, which we can all help cultivate.


For me, this means being vulnerable enough to tell my colleague I look up to her but I don’t appreciate being made to feel smaller than she based on our resume comparisons. This means giving an ear to the woman crying in the bathroom instead of quickly finishing my business and leaving without making eye contact. This means not putting up with mom-bashing or feeding into body-image stigmas. This means telling other women I am not going to put up with the games because they hurt me and others. This means telling our youth the truth that they are worthy of fair treatment from all genders. To me, this means breaking the chain and altering the fear many like myself feel when coming face-to-face with other females.


We should be the change because, in a world of so much conflict, it has become too heavy and too toxic to bear the weight of the crude female culture. Let’s ease the load a bit for our fellow females.

By Morgan Schmidt

Editor: Cole Schenck



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