
Tonight I am going to write a bit about family. I know for some people family can be a really difficult topic to discuss or even think about. If you were like me you more than likely had at least a slightly dysfunctional family and a slightly dysfunctional upbringing.

I will expand a bit and say that family does not have to be your biological family it can also be the people you grew up around or just the people who are important in your life. Family tends to be the people who will either always listen when you have something on your mind or they will be the ones who will always judge you for what she say. It can go both ways which is the crazy thing about family. No two families have the same dynamics, each family is unique in some manner.

The reason I want to write a little bit about family tonight is because I had the opportunity to actually see both of my brothers at the same time. It usually only happens around the holidays if that. I don’t tell my brothers how valuable they are to me and how important it is to have a working and communicative relationship with them.

As we grew up, we all kind of segmented ourselves away from each other and basically sought out independence from our entire family unit. Even now as adults we tend to do completely our own thing. I think because we so rarely spend time together it makes the few times we are together so much more important. Just being able to talk openly, check-in, provide advice and insight along with a little bit of judgment (which is what family is for right?) is very gratifying as it brings us closer and reminds all of us that even though we don’t talk much we all still care about one another and would be there if needed.

These small opportunities to grow a familial relationship is definitely worthwhile and I would encourage others to seek out improvements in their own family relationship. Whether it’s simply just calling your mom or dad more often we’re just checking in with the people you care about. Adulthood can be overwhelming but even a simple line here and there can mean the world to someone.

Take some time this week, spend a little extra time talking to your family I bet you will feel pretty darn good after you do so.

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