When I was about 13 years old I went to see a therapist one time. I thought it was a fine experience, but I never went back. I don’t know why, I had nothing against therapy or anything. Just maybe didn’t feel like I needed it at the time.
Part of me today wishes I would have stuck with it. Dug up some more stuff and reshape the way I viewed the world at the time.
I am 28 now, and just start seeing a therapist again. And after two sessions, I gained a whole new perspective on some elements of my past that now make much more sense. With that, I am sure there is so much to come, but that’s a post for another time.
I am making it a point to remain open with my friends, family and peers. I talked to them about seeing a therapist and got a lot support. It was something a co-worker had said to me that got me thinking about this subject. She said:
“I think everyone should have some non-biased third party to talk to about what has happened and what is currently going on in their lives.”
That kind of struck me. Yeah, there are plenty of stable people out there that don’t NEED therapy, but I feel like everyone, no matter their current mental state, should be aware that talking to a therapist is a very healthy thing to do.
I encouraged people to go into therapy, though I didn’t myself. I had always meant to but when ever I felt like I needed it the most, by the time I would get the list of numbers and providers in front of me, I would feel better. Feeling better is not an excuse not to go.
Depression has swings and it’s not always easy to measure how low a swing will go, or how long you will stay in that down state. That’s why it’s a good idea to be ready with a therapist in place to help you through. Depression can affect people that don’t suffer from it chronically.
I had a very hard swing recently and it was that last straw. I needed to talk to someone. Regardless of how long it took me to get in, or how I felt when it came time to actually talk. I did not have the infrastructure in place to deal with myself.
I was lucky I found someone I liked pretty quickly and got a little perspective that I had been missing. I am not okay by any means. Even while writing this, but I feel better about having put in place a tool that has been proven to help. Regardless of your position in life, I think everyone could use a little help.
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