My name is Cole and I will also be contributing to this blog in order to bring a different perspective, one from a supporter role. Jing was able to progress in her recovery very quickly so she has not needed a caretaker for a couple years now, but others who suffer a TBI may need a caretaker for an extensive time period which is not easy.
My background is as a student and a behavior interventionist. It is great I have the opportunity to share as I realize TBI not only impacts the person who experienced the injury, but also those around them a great deal. Just like those who have been injured there are times for caretakers or support systems that can be very difficult. I will provide some of my own experiences as I continue to post on this blog. I hope you find them helpful!
I was lucky enough to run into Jing a little over a year ago, and she has had a huge impact on my life ever since. Something about Jing is she is a very straightforward person. The first day we spent time together, she let me know about her circumstances. Initially, now that I look back at it, I don’t think it really registered with me. I had never met someone with a TBI. When I think about it now I admire her so much for this as it is not easy to talk about conditions that are debilitating to someone you just met.
One big thing I want to express to you all is that TBI does not just go away. To truly be supportive of someone with TBI you need to be prepared and understand it is a long process that will have its ups and downs. You will build grit and resilience along with those you support and become a stronger individual and in turn a stronger team.
This is where compassion is so huge to the recovery process. Those who are recovering may need their supporters to be their own personal cheerleaders, always being understanding and encouraging while making sure not to be negative and critical. After a TBI, the person who experienced the accident is starting over. They are growing and learning through their experiences just like children. It is our jobs as supporters or caregivers to help ensure those experiences are what’s best for the road of recovery. Your role as a caregiver or supporter is critical to the overall well-being of TBI patients, so understand the value your position holds and make it count!
If you have any questions please feel free to ask! I have provided links in the resources tab For Family & Friends of Survivors for more information about ways to provide support!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the MindReset community.
The MindReset is a community of individuals who seek to inspire a social movement geared toward creating a more Supportive, Inclusive, Compassionate, and Kind society where anyone and everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
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0 thoughts on “Compassion is key.”
Thank you Cole for contributing this piece! It is always nice to hear from those who surround TBI patients…In the circumstance that you described above, there were two reasons why I told you right away: 1) I knew what kind of relationship you were trying to cultivate with me and I didn’t want to waste my time hiding something that is such a huge part of my identity, especially from someone who was seeking to get to know me at that level. I learned my lessons about letting people get too close in the past and I am very cautionary; 2) I was practicing being brave. The more you practice being the brave, the more courageous you get.
Thank you again for your insight! Please continue to be a positive advocate 🙂