Circle of Strife

Anxious, shy, nervous,

Insecure and awkward.

That is who I am,

At least that’s what I’ve heard.


Labels shape us,

But who assigns the labels?

People who don’t know us, don’t care,

Or are jealous like Cain of Abel.


It’s a vicious cycle

When a victim becomes the bully

who can push away the feelings,

But can’t control the pulley.


Sooner or later,

What you repress will return.

Every day you hide it

Is another day you burn.


Deep inside, all I want

Is to feel as though I’m liked

If my good deeds are punch,

Then yeah, that punch is spiked.


Compliments, smiles, favors;

All for the reaction.

Insults, slurs, and misbehavior;

Attention still gives them traction.


Everything’s a game

And there are no winners.

Just focus on you;

Don’t worry about the sinners.


The circle of life

Can be a circle of strife.

Nobody can balance

On the edge of the knife.


~ Noah Goetzel


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