Caitlin shares her voice and truth in feeling they way many of us sometimes do. A feeling of captivity of our own creation. A beautiful poem to bring words to those that aren’t able to express them.
I’ve dug my hole
and will bury myself in it;
all those regretful things I’ve said,
I will let fall down on me.
Breathe in deep breaths of dirt
and cake my mouth with hot mud
until I cannot breathe air anymore
and instead sigh in regret and breathe out shame.
I’ll sit in this hole I’ve made
until I feel my punishment is done;
I’ll sit in this hole I’ve dug until I die.
There is no forgiveness for the words I’ve said.
For all the things I’ve done.
Friends gather ’round while I make my own funeral.
Family beg for me to pull myself out;
I’m gone before dying.
I’m long dead with never living.
Inside my hole I’ve dug
I let my words I regret rain down.
I bury myself once more
before I can find my way out.
Author: Caitlin Schemmer
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