Mental health and physical well-being. What do the two have in common and why is physical well-being important? The mind and body are linked and the association between mental health and physical health is often overlooked. For me as a personal trainer and manager of a fitness club, I strive to balance the two depending on how my week is. Some days are rougher than others. When the days are rough, and my mind just wants to explode, that’s when physical health comes into play for me.
Studies suggest that physical activity levels are positively associated with general well-being and mental health. Being physically active has shown to lower anxiety, and depression levels, while increasing positive mood. The quality of time and effort of physical activity is just as important. I strive to workout at least three days a week for an hour to maximize my physical health, which in return helps with my mental health. I have been working out for several years and have noticed my anxiety and depression levels are not as high when I am exercising.
I take this a step further by bringing healthy eating and sleep into my health equation. Simply, food is a fuel and the kinds of food we consume daily determine the types of nutrients that get converted into our system. This ultimately impacts how well our minds and body function. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish, chicken, and walnuts have been shown to reduce poor mental health. For myself, I make sure to eat a variety of foods that are colorful and nutrient-dense. This in return helps with the recovery process of my physical activity and building muscle.
Lastly, I will address the connection between sleep and well-being. If you are feeling low energy, the culprit could be lack of sleep. Making sure we get 7-9 hours of quality sleep can go a long way. If you are having anxiety, depression, and/or stress, perhaps be thoughtful about how these conditions can compromise your quality of sleep as well. I think most people who experience any type of stress or depression have experienced some sleep deprivation in their lifetime. For myself, I have noticed when I don’t get enough sleep, I am less aware at work and my mood is off.
If we go back to our original thought of mental health and physical well-being, keeping in mind nutrition and sleep, we can ultimately be in a positive state if all elements are balanced. Taking care of your mind and body is a powerful tool and can help ease or decrease the likelihood of developing a mental health illness. The effort in being thoughtful about these different health factors may take some work and determination. One of the most admirable characteristics one can possess is persistence. We only get one shot at life, so let’s be persistent in everything we do! Stay healthy and be well.
Author: Trevor Little
Edited By: Jing Wu

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