As a white male born into a middle-class family, I recognize all the implicit and explicit privileges I have been afforded throughout my lifetime. I also recognize how my experience is not remotely similar to many citizens of the United States.
I will not dive deep into this in this format, as our next podcast episode will do a much more thorough job diving into equity. (Check it out on 7/1/20
What I did want to say tonight, what I want people to understand, is this is not a political thing. This is a human rights thing. There really should be no arguments for the validity of different treatment for those race and identity inequality.
There is so much inflammatory content out there, and I personally try not to talk too much about “politics” because I recognize it makes me a worse person. Keep in mind using a political party to veil unconscious and conscious bias is obvious. I am very passionate about equity and I always think of the words of Martin Luther King “Judge a man not by the color of his skin but by the content of his character.” This seems like it should be a given but it really isn’t. The amount of hate spewed towards people who simply have a different viewpoint or belief is disgusting. It is each of our responsibility to educate ourselves and not remain ignorant about social and human rights issues.
Now is the time to do more than simply educate, now is the time for change. I am not going to pretend it will be easy for many people, for some it may be incredibly difficult to step outside their bubble of white safety. What I mean by white safety, is the inherent ability to live in the United States with generally no fear of being wrongly persecuted, no fear of being judged or stereotyped based on your skin color. White culture has been the dominant culture in the United States, you have no fear of having to conform for safety even though you hold different beliefs. Times are changing. American Society is changing and adjusting to being more inclusive of all people. This doesn’t sit well with some people who like the status quo, like the way things are because it disproportionately benefits them.
Once equity is achieved, and I mean true equity, not equality, then we can begin to move forward as a nation. Think about what kind of place we want our future generations to live in and experience. Do we want a world of hate and divisiveness? OR do we want a world in which every single person has the real opportunity to live a happy and fulfilled life without fear due simply on what color they were born?
Do your part. If you see something that is wrong, speak up. Be active. Be helpful. If you allow it, you promote it. Be the change.
By: Cole Schenck
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