At My Core

Last week we featured a moving poem by Caitlin Schemmer. Caitlin has written a number of wonderful and inspiring pieces for us, and we’re honored to share a new poem from her titled “At My Core”

Dishonest with feeling,

slowly I let it fly out.

I expect, wrongly, to wake up tomorrow different;

but when I look inside: disappointment.


“Wave your magic wand and fix me”

but the magic has all gone,

spent up in youth and childhood.

I am broken at the core.


Limping along, pretending,

as we all do, that it is okay;

some do see me through my sane disguise.

“What happened to you?” the question goes.


Secretly I am relieved; someone like me!

But then the fear of being seen sets in,

“they will know my weaknesses” I know it,

and I know those will be used against me.


This insecurity rests on me comfortably,

find and filling the spaces in between;

in the cracks of my sanity.

How long will I be now, before breaking?


~ Caitlin Schemmer

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