The author John Koenig defines the word ‘Olēka’ as the awareness of how few days are memorable. This is something we all intuitively understand. Think back and see if you can trace your life day to day since last month, or last year, or the last 5 years. As the time interval increases, the amount of days we remember falls dramatically, leaving us with only a handful of memories that help shape our personality. At first, this idea can seem worrying. It can make us doubt whether the memories we are currently making, even right this minute, are ones we’ll remember in a year, or 5. It can make us go on a hunt for experiences we hope we’ll remember for years to come. But once you get past the initial worry, an important realization hits you.
Even if we believe every moment in life has the potential to be memorable, it is inevitable that the daily grind of living will be washed away the next morning, to be replaced by another day filled with the same routines, the same actions, and the same steps we take to keep living. In fact, it’s quite possible that the majority of our life is spent like this, in a maintenance state where we keep our lives going, keep our bodies going, and work towards our next goal or achievement. The fact that we may end up forgetting the details of these days does not take away from their value. The labor that fills our day-to-day lives makes up the necessary work that sets up the big moments of our lives, the promotions, marriages, trips, and other truly memorable moments that stick with us for years.
It is in our best interest to take some time and reflect on these moments, on the work we intuitively put into ourselves. This is especially important when we feel down or depressed. It can be hard to rouse ourselves to do the things we love when we don’t even love ourselves. But thinking back on all the forgotten days we spent maintaining our lives and working on ourselves may help us fight that depression or sadness a little by reminding us that we do have the ability to work on ourselves and change our situation. So the next time you find yourself in a rut, unable to put work into yourself, just remember that you’ve already spent years doing just that.

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