A Thank You to the TMR Team

Today I just wanted to take the time to write out my thoughts and appreciation for all the members of TMR and recognize the value they provide for our community and beyond. 


The MindReset began as a blog to be a channel of expression. The goal was to provide a platform for those with voices typically ignored to have to be heard, and along with being heard build communities of support. 


In this, I must thank all of those who have joined TMR for making it the community it is today. 


To our Authors: 


The authors we have are the foundation and the heart of where our stories come from. The honest perspective provided and the content of the actual pieces are amazing. I am so incredibly thankful to all of you because you show others courage by writing openly about topics that may usually be held close to the chest. Not only does it show courage, but it shows encouragement, inspiration, hope… I could go on and on. Our authors offer a piece of themselves in order to positively impact others. This is central to building the strong communities of supportTMR aims to build. 


To our Team Leaders:


Thank you for all of the efforts you put in each week to help facilitate communications, processes, programming, and running our website. All in all, our organization runs smoother with your help (and couldn’t run in some aspects!!), you are an extremely valuable and appreciated part of TMR!


To our Leadership/Core


This group works and has worked extremely hard with The MindReset. Leadership has worked on projects, partnerships, and outreach along with everything else involved with starting a new organization. Their dedication has been admirable in all facets and I am truly appreciative of everything they have done and continue to do for TMR. 


To our Community:


This is the most important part of TMR, this is what and who we do it for! I hope everyone out there who reads this understands The MindReset is here to help make connections and to provide support any way we can for those who are in need. Everyone at TMR is a volunteer, even our leadership. All funds raised go directly back into providing content and programming for our communities. We do what we do to try to improve the world bit by bit. Thank you to all of you out there who read and share our stories. It is through passing along these stories we can make a bigger impact and potentially reach the person who needs to be reached. We take each small victory, so if one of our posts makes you laugh, smile, or even brings you to tears, that’s a win for us. 



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